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I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Management and Technology of Bocconi University, CESifo Affiliate Member & CEPR Research Affiliate.


Research Interests: Organizational Economics


On this web page you will find information about my CV, Research and the Organizational Economics Workshop I run.


You can contact me at 



with Santiago Caicedo (Clemson U) & Arthur Seibold (U Mannheim)

with Diego Battiston (U Edinburgh) and Shuo Liu (Peking U)

Other publications:

with Miloš Fišar, Ben Greiner, Christoph Huber, Elena Katok, Ali Ozkes, as a member of the Management Science Reproducibility Collaboration. Management Science, Forthcoming.

Working Papers:

with Arnaldo Camuffo  (Bocconi), Alfonso Gambardella (Bocconi) & Andrea Pignataro (ION)

with Hyunjin Kim (INSEAD) and Sergio Prada (FVL)

with Rocco Macchiavello (LSE) & Carlos Suarez (UPF) & Mario Bernasconi (Tilburg U)

Selected work-in progress:

  • Corporate Lobbying in the EU

with Nel Dutt (Bocconi), Johan Rath (Bocconi), Elie Sung (HEC) & Ruyue Li (Boston U)

  • Value Dissonance at Work

with Alexia Delfino  (Bocconi)

Old Research

© PWP by Miguel Espinosa.

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